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Right-click Context menu of Groups

Groups :: more options

Right clicking on the Groups, Titles or Clips will make available many useful context menus. We will discuss about those important menus one by one.

The  right-click context menu on a Group will give you some more options like

  1. Rename
  2. Delete Group
  3. Swap Rank

1. Rename :

Selecting this option the name of the Group can be altered.

2. Delete Group :

To delete a Group, select this option. Remember, deleting a Group will also delete all the Titles under this Group and all Clips under each Tilte. Once deleted, the process cannot be undone.

3. Swap Rank :

This option will let you swap the positions of two Groups. Clicking on this option will open up a new panel. Choose the first Group and second Group to be swapped in this panel and click on Swap and Refresh button.

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