
the Ultimate clipboard used by

Introduction to HelloClips

HelloClips is a powerful text-based clipboard application for Windows PCs. Clipboard is a special storage area on a computer memory that holds data, text, images, videos temporarily when that data, texts, images or videos are cut or copied for the purpose of pasting to a new location. It is a must have functionality on any computing devices. HelloClips is an application that runs on any Windows OS based computer and enhances the functionality of its default clipboard. HelloClips is a text only clipboard that means it supports texts like codes, paras, letters, articles and all other text based contents.

Macro enabled smart clipboard designed for windows operating system, HelloClips is the ultimate solution for any working professionals who have to do lots of repetitive time consuming tasks everyday. Now the time has come to eliminate those boring  repetitive tasks by introducing HelloClips into your system. It’s unique single key sequential unlimited text pasting feature makes it one of the best clipboards available in the market. Copy texts, create clips and paste those sequentially or according to your needs – it’s so much fun and easy. Manage your articles, codes, letters and notes by Groups > Titles > Clips. Create once and use those anytime anywhere and unlimited number of times. Record keystroke macros of your time taken repetitive tasks for once and play back the recorded macros against those tasks for unlimited number of times. Work smartly, be more productive and surprise your BOSS.

Features of HelloClips

HelloClips is packed with many usful features

Single key text pasting operation:

Now you do not need to press Ctrl+V each time to paste something. Just press [PageDown] and bingo, your pre-defined clips will be pasted one by one.

Sequential text-pasting is now a reality:

Sequential pasting of text-based clips is now truly possible with HelloClips. Create clips once and keep pasting them sequentially or according to your needs anywhere on any application* that support text input.

Create clips easily:

You can easily create new clips from anywhere. Just decide in which Group>Title the new clip will be stored and press [Ctrl+Insert]. The selected text will be captured directly and be saved as a new clip. For any kind of research related work, this feature of HelloClips will be proved as a real time saver.

Easy categorization:

Manage your clips easily by Groups and Titles. Just select Group>Title and required clips will be loaded and ready to paste.

Lots of Shortcuts:

HelloClips is built with many keyboard shortcuts that will definitely minimize your repetitive hard work significantly. Whether you paste something or copy something or switching between Titles, you will hardly need to touch the mouse. All can be done in just few keystrokes.

Works in background:

Just launch once and forget about it. Running in background HelloClips will keep helping you silently.

Easy search:

Search the Titles and related clips easily. Write your keywords and hit [Enter]. The matched result will be popped up immediately.

Password protected secured interface

To protect your HelloClips data from any unauthorised access, your copy of HelloClips is secured with password. Enter your password and access the HelloClips.

Informative Intuitive mini mode:

HelloClips has a mini mode called HelloClips Assistant. The advantage of the mini mode is that mini mode remains always on top over any application provides you many information that are going on HelloClips main form

Easy data sharing (import and export):

Data (texts) can be imported from any .txt or single column MS Excel file in just few mouse clicks. Imported data will be saved in the form of clips and ready to be used in no time. The clips under a Title and Groups can also be exported in .txt or MS Excel format very easily.

Backup and Restore functionality:

Data backup and restore functionality of any data driven application is a must have feature. As HelloClips stores users’ data, this functionality should be an essential part of it. But you should not be worried. With HelloClips you can easily backup your data and restore whenever you need.

Keystorkes Macro automation:

To eliminate the boring repetitive tasks, HelloClips is equipped with powerful keystroke macro recorder and player.Just record the keystrokes of your repetitive tasks once and run for unlimited times to execute those repetitive tasks. You can create keystroke macro almost all of your repetitive tasks.This feature of HelloClips will definitely minimise your stress level tremendously and will win your heart in no time

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